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Airbnb Clone Coding
#0 Introduction
#0.0 Introduction (2:15)
#0.1 Theory Requirements (2:22)
#0.2 Software Requirements part One (4:13)
#0.3 Software Requirements part Two (4:55)
#0.4 Django vs. Flask (6:33)
#0.5 Django vs. React (5:06)
#1 Environment Setup
#1.0 The Pacakge Installer for Python (5:25)
#1.1 Meet Pipenv (2:55)
#1.2 Creating our Env and Installing Django (6:56)
#1.3 Creating the Github Repository (3:55)
#1.4 Testing the Bubble (2:36)
#2 Introduction to Django
#2.0 Creating a Django Project (5:46)
#2.1 Setting up VSCode and Python Like a PRO (10:08)
#2.2 Falling in love with Django part One (6:47)
#2.3 Falling in love with Django part Two (9:39)
#2.4 Django Migrations (9:12)
#2.5 Django Applications (9:09)
#2.6 Creating the Apps! (6:16)
#2.7 Explaining the Apps (7:38)
#3 User App
#3.0 Replacing Default User (11:23)
#3.1 Introduction to the User Model (8:02)
#3.2 First Model Fields (11:49)
#3.3 Finishing User Model (7:15)
#3.4 Falling in Love with Admin Panel (9:12)
#3.5 UserAdmin + CustomAdmin (6:15)
#3.6 RECAP OMG! (11:02)
#4 Room App
#4.0 TimeStampedModel (7:16)
#4.1 Room Model part One (12:24)
#4.2 Foreing Keys like a Boss (6:24)
#4.3 ManyToMany like a Boss (11:31)
#4.4 on_delete, Amenity, Faciliy, HouseRule Models (12:57)
#4.5 Meta Class and Photos Model (9:43)
#5 All Other Apps!
#5.0 Review Model (12:03)
#5.1 Reservations Model (7:50)
#5.2 Lists Model (3:47)
#5.3 Conversation and Messages Models (9:24)
#6 Room Admin
#6.0 Room Admin Panel (11:01)
#6.1 Room Admin Panel part Two (11:29)
#6.2 Custom Admin Functions (6:08)
#10 Introduction to Views and Urls
#10.0 Introduction to Urls and Views (8:02)
#10.1 HttpResponse and render (6:30)
#10.2 Introduction to Django Templates (9:14)
#10.3 Extending Templates part One (8:46)
#10.4 Extending Templates part Two and Includes (8:59)
#11 HomeView
#11.0 HomeView Intro (2:09)
#11.1 Pagination with Limit and Offset (10:55)
#11.2 Pages List Navigation (8:16)
#11.3 Next Previous Page Navigation (6:49)
#11.4 Using Django Paginator (9:56)
#11.5 get_page vs page (9:58)
#11.6 Handling Exceptions (5:01)
#11.7 Class Based Views (11:25)
#11.8 Class Based Views part Two (7:37)
#12 DetailView
#12.0 URLs and Arguments (11:06)
#12.1 get_absolute_url (4:07)
#12.2 room_detail FBV finished (8:03)
#12.3 Http404() (4:33)
#12.4 Using DetailView CBV (6:33)
#13 SearchView
#13.0 Template, Form, Url, Setup (7:59)
#13.1 Starting the Form (12:56)
#13.2 Select Choices (6:48)
#13.3 Amenities and Facilities Form (10:26)
#13.4 Finishing the Form (8:04)
#13.5 Filtering Like a Boss part One (10:10)
#13.6 Filtering Like a Boss part Two (12:09)
#13.7 Introduction to Django Forms (5:25)
#13.8 I love Django Forms For Ever (8:15)
#13.9 Forms are Awesome! (15:15)
#13.10 Finishing Up! (5:39)
#14 User Log in & Log out
#14.0 Setting Up! (8:08)
#14.1 Form and CSRF! (9:20)
#14.2 Validating Email (8:27)
#14.3 Validating Password (8:12)
#14.4 Log In and Log Out (9:58)
#14.5 Always an Easier Way (10:23)
#15 Sign Up
#15.0 Signup Form (9:27)
#15.1 Signup Form part Two (5:21)
#15.2 ModelForms are AWESOME (11:45)
#15.3 Finishing Up (2:55)
#16 Verify Email
#16.0 Setting up Mailgun (6:30)
#16.1 Dotenv (8:24)
#16.2 Verifying Email part One (8:45)
#16.3 Verifying Email part Two (11:15)
#16.4 Completing Verification (7:13)
#17 Log in with Github
#17.0 Github Login part One (11:10)
#17.1 Github Login part Two (10:40)
#17.2 Getting Github Profile (9:41)
#17.3 Recap OMG (5:00)
#17.4 Finishing Github Login (8:47)
#18 Kakao Login
#18.0 Getting Authorization Code (10:47)
#18.1 Finishing Kakao Login (12:31)
#18.2 Getting Kakao Profile Photo (9:41)
#18.3 Closing Thoughts (7:53)
#19 Intro to TailwindCSS
#19.0 Intro to TailwindCSS (6:50)
#19.1 Setting Up TailwindCSS with Gulp (9:21)
#19.2 Setup Explanation (3:21)
#19.3 Setup Explanation part Two (6:21)
#19.4 Static Files on Django (5:58)
#20 Make it all BEAUTIFUL
#20.0 Sizes in Tailwind (4:51)
#20.1 Header part One (13:11)
#20.2 Header part Two (9:25)
#20.3 Done with Header (9:01)
#20.4 Extending Tailwind (11:53)
#20.5 Room Cards part One (13:00)
#20.6 Room Cards part Two (9:48)
#20.7 Finishing Room Cards and Pagination (12:10)
#20.8 Footer, Social Login (15:10)
#20.9 Login (13:25)
#20.10 Signup (5:55)
#20.11 Forms Shortcut (13:32)
#20.12 SO MUCH EASIER NOW (7:05)
#21 User Profile, Edit Profile, Change Password
#21.0 Messages part One (6:58)
#21.1 Messages part Two (8:46)
#21.2 Styling Messages (9:05)
#21.3 User Profile part One (10:40)
#21.4 User Profile part Two (13:09)
#21.5 Styling User Profile (7:44)
#21.6 Update Profile (10:57)
#21.7 Change Password (13:06)
#21.8 Customizing Stuff (7:08)
#21.9 Mixins are Awesome (12:05)
#21.10 Great User Mixins (9:00)
#21.11 Done with Users! (5:31)
#22 Room Detail
#22.0 Photo Grid (9:53)
#22.1 Styling the Room part One (10:21)
#22.2 Styling the Room part Two (11:11)
#22.3 Room Reviews (12:08)
#23 Update Room, Create Room, Room Photos
#23.0 Update Room View (7:40)
#23.1 Room Photos part One (9:59)
#23.2 Room Photos part Two (7:17)
#23.3 Delete Photo (10:05)
#23.4 Edit Photo (10:39)
#23.5 Add Photo part One (12:03)
#23.6 Add Photo part Two (5:15)
#23.7 Adding Info to The Sessions (9:45)
#23.8 Creating Room part One (11:06)
#23.9 Creating Room part Two (4:06)
#24 Reservations and Reviews
#24.0 Room Calendar part One (12:04)
#24.1 Room Calendar part Two (12:56)
#24.2 Room Calendar Styles (9:30)
#24.3 Finishing Calendar (10:33)
#24.4 Custom Template Filter (8:38)
#24.5 BookedDays part One (11:11)
#24.6 BookedDays part Two (9:46)
#24.7 BookedDays part Three (15:20)
#24.8 JESUS HELP ME (RECAP) (3:45)
#24.9 Create Reservation (14:57)
#24.10 Model Managers (6:37)
#24.11 Reservation Detail part One (18:14)
#24.12 Reservation Detail part Two (6:13)
#24.13 Updating a Reservation (7:26)
#24.14 Reviewing Rooms part One (11:48)
#24.15 Reviewing Rooms part Two (8:46)
#24.16 Validate Everything (7:50)
#25 Translations, Lists and Messages
#25.0 Introduction to Translations (7:23)
#25.1 Language Select (12:54)
#25.2 Changing Language (7:15)
#25.3 Translating .py Code (11:41)
#25.4 Saving Fav Rooms (12:08)
#25.5 Fav Template Tag (9:22)
#25.6 Fav Page (11:18)
#25.7 Go to Conversation (10:41)
#25.8 Conversation Styles (12:43)
#25.9 Creating a Message (14:53)
#25.10 Conclusions! (1:57)
#26 Deployment to AWS
#26.0 Configuring EB (9:29)
#26.1 Creating an EB Environment (9:19)
#26.2 Requirements (12:29)
#26.3 Postgres part One (11:33)
#26.4 Postgres part Two (11:36)
#26.5 container_commands (7:36)
#26.6 Sentry (11:14)
#26.7 Superuser (14:48)
#26.8 Staticfiles (16:33)
#26.9 Staticfiles Check (4:52)
#26.10 Conclusions (2:11)
#18.1 Finishing Kakao Login
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