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Instagram Clone Coding
#0 Introduction
#0.0 What are we building (1:53)
#0.1 Requirements (1:21)
#1 Set Up
#1.0 Setting up the project (6:04)
#1.1 Creating GraphQL Server (6:05)
#1.2 Setting Up the Server like the Pros (11:17)
#2 Setting Up Prisma
#2.0 Introduction to Prisma (6:44)
#2.1 Datamodel with Prisma (11:06)
#2.2 Testing Prisma OMG (12:53)
#2.3 Integrating Prisma in our Server (5:48)
#2.4 Resolvers with Prisma (7:54)
#3 GraphQL API
#3.0 Planning the API (4:59)
#3.1 Create Account Resolver (7:32)
#3.2 requestSecret Resolver (13:48)
#3.3 sendMail Function with Nodemailer (12:32)
#3.4 Passport JWT part One (11:58)
#3.5 Passport JWT part Two (9:58)
#3.6 Passport JWT part Three (16:09)
#3.7 toggleLike Resolver part One (8:25)
#3.8 toggleLike and addComment Resolver (7:52)
#3.9 searchUser and searchImage resolver (8:26)
#3.10 follow unfollow Resolver (7:34)
#3.11 editUser seeUser Resolver (8:10)
#3.12 me Resolver + Prisma's Limitations (11:39)
#3.13 See Full Posts (9:17)
#3.14 Computed Fields in Prisma (7:56)
#3.15 itsMe and amIFollowing Fileds part One (10:24)
#3.16 itsMe and amIFollowing Fileds part Two (8:49)
#3.17 isLiked Computed File (4:51)
#3.18 upload Resolver (12:26)
#3.19 seeFullPost Refactoring (15:45)
#3.20 editPost deletePost Resolver (11:14)
#3.21 deletePost Resolver part Two (11:46)
#3.22 seeFeed Resolver (10:33)
#3.23 sendMessage part One (15:07)
#3.24 sendMessage part Two (13:05)
#3.25 seeRoom Resolver (11:00)
#3.26 Introduction to Subscriptions (4:47)
#3.27 newMessage Subscription part One (11:27)
#3.28 newMessage Subscription part Two (13:21)
#3.29 Conclusions (7:54)
#3.30 Kill The Fragments 🔥 (5:54)
#4 Frontend Setup
#4.0 CRA Cleanup and Installation (5:45)
#4.1 GlobalStyles and Theme (12:06)
#4.2 React Router (9:15)
#4.3 Apollo Client (12:06)
#4.4 First Hooks Query (8:02)
#5 Frontend: Authorization Routes
#5.0 Auth Route UI part One (6:50)
#5.1 Footer and Auth UI part Two (5:00)
#5.2 Footer and Auth UI part Three (5:00)
#5.3 Auth Form with Hooks (10:36)
#5.4 requestSecret Mutation and Refactor (12:03)
#5.5 Toastify and createAccount Mutation (14:17)
#5.6 createAccount Mutation part Two (13:03)
#5.7 createAccount Mutation part Three (8:30)
#5.8 confirmSecret + Log In Mutation (16:03)
#6 Frontend: Header Component
#6.0 Header UI (10:00)
#6.1 Header Logic part One (13:44)
#6.2 Header Logic part Two (7:22)
#7 Frontend: Feed
#7.0 Getting the Feed and Loader Component (11:43)
#7.1 Post Component part One (16:53)
#7.2 Post Component part Two (16:07)
#7.3 Post Component part Three (17:00)
#7.4 toggleLike on Post Component (14:15)
#7.5 createComment on Post Component part One (15:49)
#7.6 createComment on Post Component part Two (13:59)
#8 Frontend: Search
#8.0 Search Screen Queries (15:11)
#8.1 Search Screen UI Part One (7:00)
#8.2 Search Screen UI Part Two (11:06)
#8.3 Follow Button (13:47)
#8.4 SquarePost Component (15:02)
#9 Frontend: Profile
#9.0 Profile Screen part One (14:52)
#9.1 Profile Screen part Two (12:55)
#9.2 Log Out and Conclusions (5:26)
#10 App: Setup
#10.0 Creating the Project (8:03)
#10.1 Preloading Assets (10:30)
#10.2 Preloading Cache (9:23)
#10.3 Recap (4:37)
#10.4 isLoggedIn part One (10:22)
#10.5 isLoggedIn part Two (7:36)
#10.6 AuthContext part One (10:56)
#10.7 AuthContext part Two (8:00)
#11 App: Navigation
#11.0 Introduction To Navigation (10:51)
#11.1 AuthNavigation (13:06)
#11.2 Tabs Navigation (9:17)
#11.3 Photo Navigation (12:31)
#11.4 Messages Navigation part One (10:18)
#11.5 Message Navigation part Two (6:16)
#11.6 Navigation Conclusions (2:23)
#12 App: Auth
#12.0 AuthHome (12:18)
#12.1 Auth Components part One (12:20)
#12.2 Auth Components part Two (8:11)
#12.3 Login part One (10:46)
#12.4 Login part Two (10:20)
#12.5 Login part Three (4:00)
#12.6 Confirm (12:42)
#12.7 Singup (14:26)
#12.8 Facebook Login part One (11:33)
#12.9 Facebook Login part Two (9:28)
#12.10 Google Login (11:24)
#13 App: TabNavigation
#13.0 TabIcons part One (12:50)
#13.1 TabIcons part Two (10:04)
#13.2 TabBar, Styles, Loader (7:33)
#14 App: Home Screen
#14.0 Apollo Context (7:51)
#14.1 ScrollView and RefreshControl (6:36)
#15 App: Post Component
#15.0 Post Component Header (11:32)
#15.1 Post Component Swiper (10:12)
#15.2 Finishing Post Component (7:46)
#15.3 Toggle Like (8:33)
#16 App: Search Screen
#16.0 Search as HeaderTitle part One (10:23)
#16.1 Search as HeaderTitle part Two (8:21)
#16.2 Search Query (9:50)
#16.3 Search Photo (11:42)
#16.4 Photo Detail (10:00)
#17 App: Profile Screen
#17.0 Profile Screen (11:13)
#17.1 User Detail Screen (5:57)
#17.2 UserProfile Component Styles (14:51)
#17.3 UserProfile Photo Rendering (5:31)
#18 App: Upload
#18.0 Tab Styles (6:58)
#18.1 Select Photo part One (10:54)
#18.2 Select Photo part Two (5:46)
#18.3 Take Photo part One (10:35)
#18.4 Take Photo part Two (7:04)
#18.5 Saving Photo (11:46)
#18.6 Navigating to Upload Photo (7:22)
#18.7 Preparing for Upload (10:20)
#18.8 Uploading to Backend (10:14)
#18.9 Uploading to S3 (8:09)
#18.10 Uploading Mutation (12:39)
#18.11 Showing off! (4:19)
#18.12 Messages and Notifications (1:42)
#19 Deployment
#19.0 Deploying Frontend to Netlify (10:11)
#19.1 Building the Server (5:56)
#19.2 Copying Files (9:29)
#19.3 Deploying to Heroku (11:59)
#19.4 Recap (3:49)
#19.5 Deploying to Heroku part Two (12:42)
#19.6 Deploying Prisma Server (9:13)
#19.7 Deploying Prisma Server part Two + Netlify Fix (12:57)
#20 Epilogue
#20.0 Conclusions (1:49)
#21 Bonus: Subscriptions and Notifications
#21.0 What are we building (2:39)
#21.1 Apollo Client Subscription Setup (10:08)
#21.2 React Suspense is Awesome! (11:09)
#21.3 Sending Messages and KeyboardAvoidingView (8:04)
#21.4 New Message Subscription (7:55)
#21.5 Push Notifications! (15:01)
#21.6 Conclussions (4:14)
#12.10 Google Login
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