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Nomad Coin
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Understanding Blockchain (5:36)
Understanding Cryptocurrency (5:54)
Understanding Currency (5:35)
Why Cryptocurrency (6:57)
Part One: Blockchain
#1 Requirements (1:57)
#2 Project Setup (4:59)
#3 Creating the block structure (5:39)
#4 Creating the Genesis Block (4:41)
#5 createNewBlock function part One (4:34)
#6 createHash and createNewBlock function part Two (6:52)
#7 Validating New Blocks (7:16)
#8 Validating Block Structure (4:12)
#9 Validating Chain (9:38)
#10 Replacing Chain and Adding a Block to the Chain (6:26)
#11 Creating the Express Server (6:34)
#12 Mining our first block (Blockchain API) (7:38)
#13 Decentralization (6:33)
#14 P2P Server on top of Express (7:23)
#15 Connecting Peers to Each Other (9:18)
#16 Sending Messages Between Peers (4:42)
#17 P2P Error Handling (6:14)
#18 Creating Blockchain P2P Actions (6:30)
#19 Sending Blocks Between Peers (8:43)
#20 Handling Responses from the Blockchain part One (9:51)
#21 Handling Responses from the Blockchain part Two (7:45)
#22 Syncing Chains part One (8:17)
#23 Syncing Chains part Two (3:57)
#24 Realtime Broadcasting of New Found Blocks (6:28)
Quiz #1
#25 Explaining Proof of Work (9:17)
#26 Implementing Proof of Work part One (5:35)
#27 Implementing Proof of Work part Two (10:17)
#28 Calculating Block Difficulty part One (9:54)
#29 Calculating Block Difficulty part Two (8:37)
#30 Preventing Timestamp Attacks (7:42)
#31 Replacing Chains by Difficulty (7:08)
Quiz #2
#32 Explaining Transactions on a Blockchain (6:23)
#33 Defining Transaction Classes (5:38)
#34 Getting the Transaction ID (8:05)
#35 Private and Public Key Explanation (8:09)
#36 Signing the Transaction part One (8:10)
#37 Signing the Transaction part Two (8:15)
#38 Signing the Transaction part Three (5:23)
#39 Updating uTxOuts part One (5:57)
#40 Updating uTxOuts part Two (3:28)
#41 Updating uTxOuts part Three (6:55)
#42 Validating Transaction Structure (6:27)
#43 Validating the Transaction Input Structure (3:41)
#44 Validating the Transaction Output Structure and Address (5:04)
#45 Finished Validating Transaction Structure (4:45)
#46 Validating the Transaction Content part One (4:35)
#47 Validating the Transaction Content part Two (7:57)
#48 Validating the Transaction Content part Three (4:52)
#49 Validating the Coinbase Transaction (8:07)
Quiz #3
#50 Creating the Wallet! (7:29)
#51 Getting Address and Address Balance (6:21)
#52 Checking the Referenced Address (4:26)
#53 Creating a Transaction part One (5:17)
#54 Creating a Transaction part Two (3:36)
#55 Creating a Transaction part Three (5:10)
#56 Creating a Transaction final part (7:19)
#57 Getting the Address Balance (8:10)
#58 Creating a Coinbase Transaction (3:43)
#59 Bug fixing for the Coinbase Transaction (6:41)
#60 Proccessing Transactions part One (6:11)
#61 Proccessing Transactions part Two (6:51)
#62 Proccessing Transactions part Three (6:18)
#63 Bug fixing and seeing the balance! (6:35)
Quiz #4
#64 Introduction to MemPool (5:06)
#65 Validating Transactions for MemPool (5:23)
#66 Adding Transaction to Mempool (3:10)
#67 Sending Transactions (7:27)
#68 Send Transaction API (7:49)
#69 Confirming Transactions (4:23)
#70 Filtering uTxOuts that are already in the Mempool (7:43)
#71 Filtering uTxOuts that are already in the Mempool part Two (4:24)
#72 Updating Mempool after Tx Confirmation (6:07)
#73 Hardcoding the Genesis Block with a Genesis Tx (7:21)
#74 API to see unconfirmed Transactions (2:00)
#75 API to get address (1:31)
#76 P2P and Mempool part One (7:30)
#77 P2P and Mempool part Two (4:55)
#78 P2P and uTxOuts part One (6:27)
#79 P2P and uTxOuts part Two (4:02)
#80 Getting Block by Hash (5:11)
#81 Getting any Address (3:36)
#82 Handling Errors like a Boss (2:27)
#83 Final Touches (2:05)
Quiz #5
Part Two: Blockchain Explorer
#1 Project Setup (3:20)
#2 App Component (5:49)
#3 TypographyJS (4:08)
#4 Navigation and Routes (2:42)
#5 Getting Blockchain Data part One (6:57)
#6 Getting Blockchain Data part Two (2:50)
#7 Organizing Container Data (4:36)
#8 Giving props to the Routes (4:32)
#9 Progress Breakdown (1:56)
#10 Client Side WebSockets (4:30)
#11 Parsing Socket Messages (6:20)
#12 Updating the Data in Real Time (4:28)
Part Three: Desktop Wallet
#1 Introduction to Electron and Project Setup (4:57)
#2 First Steps with Electron (6:13)
#3 More Steps on Electron (5:24)
#4 CRA and Electron (5:30)
#5 CRA and Electron part Two (7:42)
#6 Outline of the Project (5:57)
#7 Starting the Blockchain from Electron (5:27)
#8 Finding available ports (4:15)
#9 Sharing Variables Between Electron and React (3:39)
#10 Project Setup (5:16)
#11 Registering Local Node with Master Node (4:56)
#12 Bug fixing and Getting Address From Local Node (5:49)
#13 Getting the Balance from Local Node (4:02)
#14 Mining from the Wallet (6:29)
#15 Sending Transactions part One (5:06)
#16 Sending Transactions part Two (3:15)
#17 Building the Desktop App (7:55)
#18 Building the Desktop App part Two (7:28)
#19 Final Touches (6:30)
#34 Getting the Transaction ID
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